Color Maturity level 1: Visual + Assist

X-Rite’s Color measurement for dye houses improves color quality on a variety of textile materials and helps reduce impact to the global environment. SETTING UP A SUCCESSFUL VISUAL COLOR EVALUATION PROGRAM Introduction The world of design and manufacturing heavily relies on achieving the desired color in materials. Color plays a critical role in product aesthetics…

AGEC Law: a boost towards a Circular Economy

The AGEC law (Anti-Gaspillage pour une Économie Circulaire) was introduced in France in 2020 with the goal of enhancing transparency around products that generate waste and promoting circularity. This regulation marks a significant step toward addressing the challenges of circular economy and sustainability by raising consumer awareness, encouraging producer responsibility, and fostering a more sustainable…

Color Measurement for Dye Houses

X-Rite’s Color measurement for dye houses improves color quality on a variety of textile materials and helps reduce impact to the global environment. Challenges The dye-house industry is crucially significant, employing millions globally and playing a pivotal role in the textile sector. However, the environmental impact of dye-house operations is concerning. According to the National…

Creativity and technology

Creativity and technology meet in the proposals of the young designers who participated in large numbers in Feel the Contest 2024 – Master edition. Never before in this edition of the competition has the creativity of designers been found to be rich in technical solutions and sophisticated craftsmanship, confirming the most intense path of training…

Quiet extravagance

Quiet extravagance is everywhere in the A/W 2024.25 collections. It feels strangely original when all it takes is a slight shift, a minor tweak and a seemingly obvious detail to create something new and alternative. Something designers may have thought about but never put into action. Unusual knots and folds for 3.1 Phillip Lim and…

Knitted variations

Knitwear is one of the products with multiple variation possibilities, linked not only to creativity in style, but to the synergy with the choice of yarns, the fineness and the wide variety of processes. Once the theme of the reference season and the style of the collection has been identified, the first step lies in…