Fluidity as a state of mind, as the capacity to adapt, change or transform.
Fluidity as a constant process of change, as continuous creation of new and impermanent forms.
Fluidity as an instrument of freedom, as a gateway to the new and the unexplored.
Fluidity as the harmonious movement of the body.
Finally, knitwear is by its very nature fluid, able to be shaped, moulded, extended or contracted.
Photo and concept by Elisabetta Scarpini
Evolving shapes
The intrinsic capacity of natural elements to survive and evolve through adaptation and transformation.
Mystic body
Between mysticism and sensuality. A close look reveals the mystery of plant and animal forms.
Multiple identity
A story in which identity, gender and ethnicity are infinitely concealable, fluid, mobile and rewritable.
Osmotic balance
Unstable equilibriums in a constant state of change, combinations of reassuring neutrals and mysterious dark tints.